About Us

Toronto Community Child Care was established in 1985 and has been providing a caring and educational service to the Community for over 37 years. We have children who attended years ago who are returning with their own children. Toronto Child Care Centre is a community based not for profit Centre. This means that all the money from fees goes back into the Centre for resources etc. We are run by a parent Committee which is made up from parents of children attending the Centre.

Toronto Community Child Care Centre is a 55 place, community, not for profit Centre managed by a parent committee. This Committee meets on a monthly basis. All families are welcome to attend Committee meetings and indeed join the Committee. It is after all your children that the decisions are being made about.


Toronto Child Care Centre offers a program based on the National Early Years Learning Framework.

This is all about Being, Belonging and Becoming. It is divided into 5 Learning Outcomes which we work on with each child throughout the year. Children learn best through play and through ‘doing’. We see children as being capable and independent thinkers and we encourage them to develop these skills. Children and families are encouraged to contribute to the daily program and learning journeys that happen. Our programs incorporate literacy and numeracy into all aspects of them on a daily and ongoing basis.

We also run a comprehensive transition to school preschool program. This program works on areas such as social skills, numeracy, literacy, turn taking, conflict resolution and much more. This helps give children a great foundation for the beginning of their school life.


The staff at Toronto Child Care Centre are all qualified Educators. We regularly attend in -services and workshops to update our skills and knowledge in First Aid and all aspects of The Early Childhood field. Relief staff are used at the centre to cover primary contact staff absences. We aim to use regular casual staff to provide continuity of care. Our centre also utilizes additional staff to support children who may have additional needs.

The staff behave in accordance with the Ethical Conduct Policy.


We recognize that the parent is the first educator. You know your child best. Families are always welcome at the centre and are encouraged to become involved in the centre through the family participation program. Families are encouraged to contribute to their child’s portfolio and any comments or suggestions will be incorporated into the centre’s program. We love to hear about your weekends and interests as this is often the start of an ongoing interest or project in the rooms.

Families are encouraged to contribute to the functioning of the centre by attending management Committee Meetings. By becoming involved in the centre families have the opportunity to ensure continued operation of the centre, allow for a variety of views to be expressed, enhance the programs provided and develop a positive rapport with staff.

Hours of Operation:
We are open from 7.30-5.30 Monday to Friday. The centre operates for 48 weeks per year and is closed for 4 weeks over Christmas. The centre is also closed for public holidays (no fee charged).


For 2025 our fees are $150.00 per child per day.

Fees are calculated on a daily rate which is subsidised for families through the Family Assistance Office’s Child Care Subsidy (CCS).  Fees are inclusive of all meals and resources used by the children.


Children at the centre are divided into three rooms

  • Wilai Room – 12 children – 6 weeks -2 years with 4 Educators.
  • Maata Room – 15 Children – 2-3 years old with 4 Educators.
  • Mowane – 28 Children – 3-5 years with 4 Educators.


The centre provides all the food children will require throughout the day – Morning tea,  lunch and afternoon tea. We follow the Good for Kids, Good for Life Guidelines when planning our menus.

The meals are planned and prepared by our qualified cook and are nutritionally balanced. The menus are on display in the foyer for your information. Milk and water are provided as refreshments. It is asked that food not be brought into the centre to ensure the protection of children with allergies.

What to bring:

We need a copy of your child’s birth certificate, immunisation printout from the Medicare website and customer reference number for you and your child.

Children should be dressed in comfortable, practical clothing so that the toileting is easy and they are able to participate in all the experiences provided.

All belongings need to be clearly labelled with the child’s name for easy identification.

All children need a bag big enough to hold all their belongings and work. Children will need to bring a spare change of clothes (for various weather), sheets (not necessary for the Nursery. Children in the Nursery need to bring prepared formula and / or empty bottles for milk as well as six disposable nappies.

It is asked that toys be left at home and only those required for sleep/security be brought to the centre.

Waiting List:

After receiving a completed waitlist form and $20 waitlist fee we will enter the child’s details onto our computer waitlist. This $20 will be credited to your account on enrolment.

Names placed on the waiting list in order of the date received and places are offered in this order, taking into consideration priority of access, the child’s age and days required.


To complete the enrolment the centre will require payment of two weeks fees in advance, a copy of the child’s immunisation record, birth certificate and Centrelink Reference Number for parent and child.


On enrolment families will have access to all policies and handbooks which outlines some important policies and information. A full copy of the centre policies for families can be requested at any time and will be provided either by email or on a USB stick.

We look forward to having you at our centre!

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